Are you still considering your instant property valuation? It is a huge decision to put your home up for sale, but if you are seriously considering moving, you need an accurate figure to work from.
These valuation figures are estimated based on online information for the property and sales completed in your postcode area. As such, they can not be 100% accurate.
Many landlords hold back from putting their property on the market because they are worried that it might not go to plan. But there are plenty of ways to protect yourself and your property. Find out more in this article.
It is normal to have questions. You are embarking on a huge leap of faith by putting your investment into our hands. So, we have put together a few questions that our landlords often ask while making their decision to help you.
178 pieces of legislation to keep up to date and on top of. A letting agent can ensure you stay on the right side of the law.
Get to know us a little better
When marketing your property for let, we want to highlight the best features to attract the perfect tenant. Think about who will be the target audience for this property. Is it a family home or a trendy apartment? And who is most likely to live in a property like this? What will those potential tenants need in a property?
Property investing was seen as a passive income, but this is far from the case. So, to take the stress out of the task and ensure that you are always on the right side of the law, it is advisable to use a managing agent.
How much time does it actually take to buy a property? Viewings, mortgages, solicitors - it all takes time.
A tenant requesting to leave before the end of the tenancy can cause all kinds of stress. In this article we will share some suggestions of what can be done in this situation.
Viewings are an essential part of selling your home. This article will give you some top tips to get those offers flying in!
As the clocks change and the darkness comes earlier each night, many pet owners begin to feel anxious about the fireworks at the start of November. Read these top tips to keep your pets calm and happy.