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Discover Ways You Can Use Technology To Help Find Your Dream Home

Discover Ways You Can Use Technology To Help Find Your Dream Home

Technology is a part of our everyday lives, but what role does it play in the property industry? This article highlights the various ways that technology and AI can help you find your next home.

Technology is everywhere; it is impossible to stay away from it. Supermarkets have self-serve tills, music and TV streaming services use algorithms to show you things you might like, and health and fitness devices can give you daily suggestions on how to be healthier. There are even AI washing machines now that can detect the type of fabrics and select the correct program for you! So, how is it used in property?

There are ways to use AI to improve descriptions, edit photographs, and even add furniture to the images of empty rooms. There are many ways that AI can be used in the marketing of properties. But how can you use AI to help with buying a property or making the home-moving process easier by using AI, saving yourself time and making the whole process much simpler?

Property Searches: Property searches are almost all done online now. It has been a long time since people read the newspaper's property section or walked to every agent's office on the high street to collect brochures of new instructions. But searching for a property to view can still take hours, scrolling through the websites and clicking endlessly through photographs. Before long, all the properties you've seen online start to merge into one, and you are no further forward. Instead, our system uses AI to take your detailed requirements for a new home and make suggestions of suitable properties. It is far more in-depth than simply showing you every three-bedroomed house in your town, and it saves you so much time and head space in the process. This convenience can be a huge relief in the often overwhelming process of finding a new home.

Data management: It doesn't sound sexy, but the truth is that agents will hold thousands, or tens of thousands, of names and addresses. It is a mammoth task to keep in touch with each and every customer, remembering who they are and what kind of property they are looking for. Some of the more overwhelmed agents have even returned to an analogue system, with a 'Hot Box' of cards with the names and details of buyers keen to buy quickly. However, the very best agents will have an AI-assisted CRM that can keep in touch with all buyers, sellers, and even people who are just curious. The service levels are hugely improved, and a much better, more effective method than a manual list, ensuring that you don't miss out on the perfect property for you. This efficiency can be reassuring, knowing that your needs are being managed effectively.

Online valuations: Whilst still not as accurate as a real-life valuation provided by a property expert in person, an online valuation can be an excellent place to start when you are early in your research phase and not quite ready to commit to putting your home on the market. Even if you're not thinking of moving just yet, this method allows you to keep a close eye on the potential value of arguably your most valuable asset. This reliability can provide a sense of security, knowing that you have a good estimate of your property's value.

AI is here to stay, and it makes sense to use it to make the most convoluted and complicated process that any homeowner will likely go through just that little bit easier. So, it is essential that you choose an agent who is moving with the times and understands the technology involved in the process to make your moving experience better, not someone who has retreated from the innovative world that we live in to return to outdated manual methods that will, in the long run, only ruin your chances of finding your perfect home. You will, after all, have to rely on that agent: a) remembering who you are, b) remembering what you are looking for in a new home and c) remembering to tell you about it!

Get in touch with our fantastic team if you have any questions about the technology and AI that we harness to make our homeowner's lives easier.

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